Candice Chilton was diagnosed with Stage IV Breast Cancer at 28.

First radiation treatment!

First day of radiation! Piece of cake. My appointment was at 1 and I was home by 2:30. Didn't feel a thing just had to hold extremely still. They put you on a table and make a 3D image map of your body in the computer and then digitally pin point the radiation to the centimeter. If you move, even a little bit, they have to restart the whole process. It takes longer to get you all lined up on the table in the exact same spot as the day before than it does to actually put the radiation into your body.
I wont say the process isn't a little intimidating. The radiation room smells funny, like chemicals and the big vault like door on the outside with the big yellow radiation warning label isnt comforting but it truly is painless. Its more of a mind thing for me. I know its life saving radiation, but its also poison in a way and if you think about that as these lasers pass over you, it can really mess with your mind lol I'll have to work on imagining it as medicine instead of things that are destroying my cells.
When I get home I just felt the need to drink a ton of water like I needed to flush it all out, and ate a good lunch like I imagine the tiny warriors in my body need energy to rebuild the cells...well 1 treatment down, 14 to go...
In other news, West and I went on a date night. We went to see Immortals in 3D and I successfully made it in public in the suit of armor, sat in a movie chair and even used a public restroom without getting stuck....ahhh the small victories in life :)

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