Candice Chilton was diagnosed with Stage IV Breast Cancer at 28.

Merry Xmas

Merry Xmas everyone! I just wanted to post really quick and wish everyone a happy holiday! I spent Xmas Eve with family and an international dinner of tamales, chili, asian lettuce wraps, BBQ Pizza, turkey, stuffing and plenty of desserts. Tomorrow morning I'll be opening presents with family and then in the evening we'll be spending it eating a ham dinner with my grandparents. I'm not going to lie, it was a hard day to be missing the one I never thought I'd be without, and tomorrow morning will be difficult not spending Christmas morning together for the first time in 4 years but my family will help me keep my mind off things for sure.
On the cancer front, my hair chose Xmas eve to decide to fall out. It didn't completely come out but it had been falling out for a couple of days and the shower I took today really promoted it to start coming out in chunks so it was either try to style over the bald spots or shave it off and start wearing the wigs...

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